Center East Recreational Center also have an outreach program conducted every month in the different cities of UK. This is in coordination with the local governemnt unit and usually performed in a common area where residents can come freely to have their self and families checked up.

This is usually a 2-day event and other volunteer doctors also are invited. The purpose of the outreach program is to reach priority population who have limited access to health care. So what are the things that we are doing during this event? We have activities such as health education, case management and basic health screening.

Health Education – this is simply educating the people on basics of proper nutrition, healthy eating and first aid. This usually run for 30 minutes because keeping it too long might be too boring for the audience. The facilitator can entertain questions if there would be any.

Case Management – this is in coordination with the Local government. The participants for the case management is pre-selected based on severity of conditions and status of the family. These families will be given special attention by assigned doctors with the goal to improve their condition at a set timeframe.

Basic Health Screening – this is just simply a general check up for most of the people that include the following.

  • an evaluation of the person’s eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and throat
  • using a stethoscope to examine and listen to the heart, lungs, and bowels
  • checking different parts of the body for unusual lumps in the abdomen, and feeling the lymph nodes in the neck, underarms, or groin
  • getting the person’s height and weight measurements
  • blood pressure checks to know if it is normal, high, or low
  • Some may be advised for laboratory tests such as complete blood count (CBC) to check for various conditions, a blood test to check cholesterol and glucose levels, and urinalysis to monitor kidney and urinary tract health depending on the evaluation of the patient’s history or complaints

We would also have a meeting with the local governement unit staff to discuss evaluation, main issues and hext activities that we can do for the community to improve the people’s over-all well being. This is crucial since all that we did needs a follow through and consistency in doing the identified activities will create a greater impact to the over-all health of the community.

Communities where we conduct our outreach program are also pre-selected and evaluated based on severity of the condition and access to health care. We are commited with these programs because we want to extend health care and improve people’s knowledge on the basics of health care. If you want to volunteer, nominate a community or give donations to support our programs – you are welcome! Please go through our “Contact us” page and leave your details!